Rotulagem nutricional de alimentos salgados e doces consumidos por crianças e adolescentes / Nutritional labeling of sweet and salted foods consumed by children and adolescents




The consumers have the right to informations about both the characteristics and the nutritional composition of the foods they buy, allowing them for healthy choices. Therefore, the Sanitary Inspection National Agency (ANVISA) makes nutritional labeling of the commercialized foods obligatory. Must be informed, among the nutritional informations, the following nutrients rates: carbohydrates, proteins, total fats, saturated fats, trans fats, sodium, alimentary fibers, and caloric value. Objective: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the conformity of nutritional data present in the labels of some packed foods, normally consumed by children, its experimental value being obtained by means of analyses by official methods, leading to an evaluation of the quality of the information available to the consumer. Methods: The data declared in foods labels were compared with those obtained in the laboratory. Some packed foods consumed by children were choose, like corn and wheat products of different flavors and forms, some types of potato chips, peanuts, filled biscuits, wafer biscuts, and filled milk chocolate, both in bars and in bonbons. The rates of proteins, total fats, saturated fats, alimentary fibers and sodium were evaluated utilizing the methods described in the "Normas Analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz". The value for carbohydrates was calculated by the difference between 100 and total amount of humidity, ash, proteins, total fats and alimentary fibers, according to the Resolution 360 of ANVISA. The caloric value was calculated utilizing the Atwater factors. The data were treated statistically by the distribution of percent frequency. Results: The non-compliance of the protein rates declared on the nutritional labeling oscillated between 0 to 50%, with the highest index in the potato chips, that of carbohydrates varied between 0 and 40%, with the highest indexes found in peanuts and wheat snacks, that of saturated fat, 12 to 41%, the highest indexes being found in potato chips, peanuts and corn snacks, whilst fiber presented non-compliance going from 8 to 69%, whereby all products did not comply, total fats, 0 to 85%, the highest index found in the corn snacks. About the sodium, the disapproval interval oscillated between 12 and 72%. With regard to the sweet products, the condemnation interval for total fats oscillated from 0 to 75%, the highest percent rate being found in the chocolate bonbons. Saturated fats presented a disapproval interval between 0 to 52%, the widest one found in the filled biscuits. As for fibers, the disapproval interval went from 0 to 36%, the highest percent rate being found in the chocolate bonbons. The protein disapproval interval oscillated from 10 to 40%, the highest being in the filled milk chocolate bars and in the bonbons. Conclusion: Among the analyzed products, potato chips, corn snacks, and peanuts presented the highest disapproval rates by the parameters of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and saturated fat, where the rates of saturated fat acids and fiber stood out. Among the sweet products, chocolate bonbons, filled biscuits and wafer biscuits were the most condemned according to the parameters of total fats, saturated fats and fiber, leading to a preoccupation about the daily ingestion of these products by children and adolescents


rotulagem nutricional adolescentes nutritional labeling produtos industrializados children legislation crianças adolescents legislação industrialized products

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