Rising some relevant questions about bullying in the context of brazilian society / Problematizando o "bullying" para a realidade brasileira




This work consists on a first investigation about bullying in the context of Brazilian society starting from its manifestation at a public school in Campinas suburbs. Simultaneously, are presented manifestations of violent behaviors in the community where interviewed participants live. The study involved 41 participants, aged from 8 to 15, belonging to a Communitarian Center. Data were collected in two steps, composed by a drawing and an individual recorded interview, which was semi-structured. Participants characterized bulling from their own referential as aggressors (16%), victims (29%) and spectators. From their reports one can infer: spectators show decadence of values as solidarity and feeling of impotence; victims demonstrate anxiety and insecurity due to chance of new aggressions, disgust, feeling of impotence, self blaming and negative consequences on their self esteem; aggressors expose insensibility to the feelings of other people, discrimination and form groups that make use of violent strategies. From manifestations of violence in the community one can point out traffic and drugs use. The discussions concentrate on a criticism to the competitive and individualist ethic, which tends to stimulate manifestations of violence. In addition, analyze antagonism between competition and cooperation


agressores vÃtimas bullying psicologia espectadores bullying

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