Risco-retorno e elasticidade da demanda da madeira serrada e custo do manejo florestal na Amazônia / Risk-return and demand elasticity of sawn wood and forest management cost in Amazon




This work had as a main objective to contribute for the native forest management in the Amazonian Oriental area, collaborating for the visualization of financial economical aspects. The risk-return relationship of sawn wood from different forest native species of the Amazonian area was characterized, with the specific objective to determinate the riskreturn relationship of the sawn wood of Ipê, Jatobá, Maçaranduba, Angelim Pedra, Angelim Vermelho and Cumaru, observed from 2003 to 2007. TGC of the prices of the m3 of boards of each species was admitted as return estimative and the variation coefficient as indicative of the risk. It was concluded that they float in a relatively similar way and that Jatobá stood out in attractiveness terms, considering the whole period, while the other species presented a coherent relationship among themselves of higher returns associated with higher risks. Angelim Vermelho and Maçaranduba stood out for the attractiveness in an annual perspective. It was estimated the demand elasticity for sawn wood in Brazil. It aimed specifically the elasticity price of the m3 of sawn wood, the elasticity price of the m3 of wood panels and the income elasticity GDP of the nation. It was used a log-log model, with correction through outline of the mobile average (MA(1)), adjusted for the period from 1971 to 2006, which showed to be stable, with satisfactory significance levels. It was observed that the sawn wood demand is inelastic in relation to price and elastic in relation to income. It was delineated as objective to estimate the costs of the sustainable forest management in the Amazonian area. Through the observed revenue of the management activities in the area and the current value of the involved resources, it was estimate the fixed and variable costs, for each activity of the forest management. It was noticed that transportation represents the principal component of the average cost of the m3 of extracted wood, which reduces as the area of the APU (Annual Production Unit) increases. The impact of the alteration of the productivity overcomes the exercised by the variation in the cut intensity, both in the increase or reduction of costs.


atratividade attractiveness demanda da madeira forest economy economia florestal manejo florestal demand of sawn

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