Rich Media e a Publicidade na Era da Interatividade




With the increasing advance of computing technologies, speed, trust and the acuteness of the transmission and reception of messages have become usual in peoples lives, due mainly to powerful communication nets. This scenery suggests changes specially in what concerns Publicity, for the action of communicating advertising appeals seems to indicate the need of facing the challenge of connecting and integrating people dynamically, offering a communicating environment that is creative, modern, informative and, most importantly, interactive. The present study aims at demonstrating the current state of the modern digital medias and their participation in the creation of hybrid messages in the communicational processes involved in the marketing and publicity context. Acknowledging the relevance of the question raised by the use of digital medias within publicity communication, this study searched to attest that the introduction of a different means of interactive communication (together with its technological supplies) that breaks with the aspects of linearity in the classic notion of the communication compound (sender-message-receiver) transforms the structure of this segment towards the mass individualized serving. As a matter of investigation, it was verified to what extent the technology and the application of a new specific technique can influence and intensify the results in the field of Marketing and Publicity applied into a market context through the analysis of three levels: the creator level, as the professional integrated to the pragmatic model of Publicity, the message level, considering its aspects of form and content, and the reception level, in the verification of the effects of the message. As priorities in this analytical process are the relation between the technological development of the interactive medias and the non-linear communication structures present in advertising messages diffused within interactive environments such as the Internet, and the transformations in the linear mass models which work as references to messages production in this segment


publicidade interativa quicktime virtual reality quicktime (programa de computador) comunicacao rich media multimidia interativa internet na publicidade interactive advertising quicktime virtual reality rich media

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