Interatividade: da repetição à criação na organização do cognoscível




The inquietude of the adults and the speech of young revealing their allure for the navigation in the cyberspace, in detriment of the academic studies, they aroused interest in investigating this question that is defying the understanding of parents, professors and studious, and provoking a type of social unrest. Before this substantiation, it becomes vital to find reasons that justify this virtual interactivity used by children and young with much vivaciousness and, many times, feared for adults. By reason of that, the following hypotheses are raised: (1) to know what it isnt known yet, it is necessary listening and reading the knowledge from that one it does; (2) the images captivate, they are able to pass over the subject to a position of alienation, before the object that reveal itself to the look; and (3) the organization of the cognoscible involves logical operations, from the allure at image to the creative repetition. The purpose of this research is identifying discursive positions, from repetition to the creation, detaching those that allow surpassing the obstacles and repeating those with creativity. The inquiry method embraces the semiotics reading and the daily comments fragments psychoanalytic listening, from images of a film, and the adults speeches thematic content (inserted students and professors in the university context). The presented clippings had been intentionally selected in order to exemplify the social unrest that circulates, likewise relating capable (f) acts of surpassing obstacles to the organization of the cognoscible. To cover the alienation process to the conquest of the autonomy, necessary for the creative repetition, the Psychoanalysis, the Philosophy, the Communication and the Semiotics concepts are used. The obtained results reflect the prevalence perception of two discursive positions, establishing social bows: (1) from dependence in relation to the other fellow creature; and (2) from autonomy that is characterized by the creative repetitions production. It is supposed to bring, with these results, contributions to the familiar and academic education, likewise to the researches that busy oneself to the contemporary subject


comunicacao -- inovacoes tecnologicas comunicação no ciberespaço posições discursivas subjectivity subjetividade discursive positions laços sociais comunicacao interactivity allure and alienation ciberespaco -- aspectos sociais social bows communication in cyberspace interacao social interatividade fascínio e alienação

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