Retratos de Goiás: memórias de ex-militantes estudantis goianos sobre a década de 1960




In the early 1990s, the student movement in the State of Goiás was retaken with the publishing of former movement leaders memories, focusing on the period of action (the 1960s), and of political agents in the present of remembering (the 1990s). Firstly, interviews made by researchers from the Universidade Federal de Goiás History Department under the guidance of on of its professors (he himself a student militant in the 1980s) brought to light the rebuilt memories of former student militants who acted in the city of Goiânia. Secondly, two former student militants published a book with interviews with former militants to paid homage to their brother that disappeared during the military government. The accounts reveal a re-evaluation of these former student militants past according to the interest in rebuilding their own image of the militancy and of the political responsibility regarding the students action. The setting of remembering includes political discussions in the national sphere dealing with the student reorganization in the so-called movement Caras pintadas (painted faces) contrary to the Brazilian president at the time Fernando Collor and the transmission by Rede Globo of the soap opera Anos rebeldes, on the youth action during the military government in Brazil. Besides, the end of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (URSS) and the fall of Berlin Wall, in 1989, gave directions to the search of a student and political identity, menaced by new images of the student movement and the Socialist propositions discredit, which stimulated social movements during the military regime. In this regard, the images revealed by the former militants memories focus on the students action demonstrations and decision making and the attribution of meaning to the condition of being a student militant heroes and society representatives, justified by the student consciousness in the 1960s.


ditadura militar estudantes - atividades políticas - goiás present of remembering historia student movement movimentos estudantis presente de rememoração história social movimento estudantil - goiás - história military regime

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