Ressignificação da prática pedagógica : aprendizagem do número numa perspectiva inclusiva




The need for the research was based on three basic premises: the first, by Muniz (2006), proposing that there is within every child a mathematical being ready to launch itself on the great adventure of mathematization; the second is Fávero‟s (2005) conception that the interaction of the adult world with the child with special educational needs will depend on how the child is seen; and the third is the utopia that is needed in order to lead the educator to a resignification of his or her praxis, as D‟Ambrósio (2007) believes. Research by Vieira (2002), Pimenta (2003) and Bonfim (2005) show that it is possible to foster the construction of mathematical competencies provided that students with special educational needs are given the opportunity to act, elaborate, and reconstruct the mathematical concepts, and that there is a contextualization of numerical facts. When dealing with the teaching of mathematics and inclusion, one can perceive that the issue regards not necessarily the student with special educational needs, but the teacher‟s own understanding of mathematical concepts. Thus, an interest arose in understanding how the teaching of mathematics within an inclusive perspective takes place in the school setting, considering the fact that all the schools in the Distrito Federal already follow such a policy. Within this context, the aim of the research, which was based on a cultural-historical perspective, was to analyze the processes of resignification of the pedagogical practice during the teaching and learning of the concept of number in an inclusive perspective. The method adopted in order to achieve this aim was based on a qualitative epistemology, using the constructive-interpretative analysis proposed by González Rey (2002). A case study involving a schoolchild with mixed, tetraplegic cerebral palsy was carried out. The data analysis revealed that the basis of the resignification of the pedagogical practice regarding the process of constructing the concept of number by a student with special educational needs enrolled in a regular school is bound to the concepts of subject, of learning, and of the teaching of mathematics. The teacher‟s belief in the student‟s learning capacity led to the search for means, such as the development of codes, that enabled the effective participation of the student in the activities related to the construction of the concept of number. This conception is linked to the understanding that every subject is active, unique, and volitional, and thus to the respect for his or her peculiarities. From this understanding, pedagogical strategies were created that could favor the expression of the student‟s thoughts, creating the need for a reflection on the dialogue established in the teacher-student interaction, especially when the aim is the construction of the concept of number. Within this context, the classroom is understood as a privileged space by providing a relational space based on otherness, ensuring mutual learning, and especially by creating space for the reconstruction, re-elaboration, and resignification of pedagogical practice.


construção do conceito de número tetraplegia mista construction of the concept of number mixed tetraplegia inclusão turma regular de ensino educacao ressignificação da prática pedagógica resignification of pedagogical practice inclusion

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