Resolução de inequações logarítmicas: um olhar sobre a produção dos alunos




This qualitative research was applied to students of 2nd year of high school in a Public School (Osasco-SP), with the goal to investigate procedures used by students in order to solve problems which involved inequality or logarithmic inequation. In order to reach this goal, we elaborated and selected problems which challenged in the students an investigative attitude. These problems would be solved outside class. We used as reference theorist, the notions of Dialectics Tool-Object and interaction among dominations of the French searcher Reginé Douady (1994).To the analyses of the results, beyond the students protocols, we resorted to the didactic book, used by the students and the information collected in an interview with a teacher who worked with these students in the previous year. From this analyses, it was evidenced that the most used tool was the equality, and algebraic domination was the most explored by the students. We watched the interaction among dominations occurred spontaneously in the resolution of problems. The most frequent mistakes were: Incorrect notion of logarithm definition and the Incorrect use of potency concept. To us the appointed results in our research tell much the teaching and apprenticeship process lived by this group of students. This way we consider it is necessary more investment to the construction of concept and relative properties to potency and logarithms


inequações logarítmicas matematica -- estudo e ensino problem resolution matematica inequações Álgebra logarithmc inequations ensino médio algebra resolução de problemas inequations Álgebra desigualdades educacao matematica inequalities high school

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