Representações da identidade nacional na notícia da TV




This work focuses on two fields of investigation: the study of journalism on television and the study of national identity. It is a contribution for a better understanding of telejournalism and its language, discourse and narratives, the ways of production of the multi-modal television text and the enunciative-discursive procedures of a news television program. The news covered by the project comprises a two weeks period when there was a crisis about visa requirements for Brazilian tourists in the United States airports, followed by an equal measure for North-American tourists in Brazil. The extensive coverage of the crisis by Jornal Nacional on TV Globo allowed us to study the interdiscursive relation between diplomatic and journalistic discourse. The interdiscourse of nationality can also be seen as part of a wider process of media discourse. It permits to advance the discussion on how TV news frames the self and the other. One of the research questions is if a new positive visibility for Brazilian identity was constructed by the media coverage of the crisis. The research follows the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis, developed by the English linguist Norman Fairclough. The work also employs some analytical categories from French Discourse Analysis. I also combine discourse analysis with some valuable insights from theory of narrative, which is developed by the Brazilian researcher Gonzaga Motta


narrative culture cultura, narrativa telejournalism telejornalismo discourse national identity identidade nacional comunicacao discurso

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