Reparo Ãsseo com a utilizaÃÃo de cÃlulas tronco em ratos submetidos à desnutriÃÃo neonatal




Malnutrition is a public health problem characterized by low intake of essential nutrients for growth and development of the body. Researches involving malnutrition and its consequences in adult life shows that it is capable to change the metabolic programming that impact throughout life. However, little is known about the sequels involving adult stem cells from bone marrow (ASCBM), especially on the mesenchymal stem cells for the quantity and its ability to differ into bone tissue. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of neonatal malnutrition on the number of stem cells and evaluate the bone repair with these cells in bone lesions of malnourished animals. For that, it was used 64 Wistar males rats, which 32 received standard diet (nourished-N), with 23% protein, and the remainder received Basic Diet Regional (BDR) (malnourished-D) with 7.87% of protein in the period of lactation. The weight of the rats was measured by until adult life, when they were divided into 4 groups (n = 8): 1. N who received stem cells from N (G1), 2. D who received stem cells from D (G2), 3. N who received stem cells from D (G3) and 4. D who received stem cells from N (G4). Other rats (N and D) were used as donors of ASCBM that were cultured for 12 days and differentiated in vitro into osteoblasts, which were implanted in critical defects up in the parietal bones of rats. After 60 days, the animals were euthanized and the skull was processed for optical microscopy. The reading was performed by three pathologists and the Kappa index was used to rank the degree of agreement between them. For the analysis of the weights and the number of stem cells, using the Student t-test (p <0.05). The Mann-Whitney test was applied when the results didnât pass the test of normality. The malnourished rats were reduction of weight gain since the second day of life, while the number of ASCBM showed no difference between N and D. However, the mesenchymal stem cells of D showed up in greater quantity. There was a small degree of bone repair between the groups, principaly between G2 and G4. With these data, we can suggest that neonatal malnutrition interferes in adult life on the number and tissue regenerative capacity of mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow in permanent way. Although these cells have great potential for differentiation, which allows its use for studies of regeneration of tissues, malnutrition in the critical period is an aggression to reduce its therapeutic potential in bone tissue.


mesenchymal stem cell bone repair reparo Ãsseo nutricao cÃlulas tronco mesenquimais neonatal malnutrition ponderal evolution desnutriÃÃo neonatal evoluÃÃo ponderal cÃlulas tronco stem cell

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