Remate de males: a música de poemas amorosos de Mário de Andrade / Remate de males: the music of Mário de Andrades love poems




The music is the matrix of the poetic work of Mário de Andrade. Harmonizing the different faces of the multiple poet, his musical face can be seen in the books Paulicéia desvairada (1922), Losango cáqui (1926) and Clã do jabuti (1927), as well as in the verses of Remate de males (1930), and in the posterior works of the author. A detailed study of poems that are organized in tree groups of Remate de males Tempo da Maria (1926), Poemas da negra (1929) e Poemas da amiga (1920-1930) , accomplished by this thesis, allows us to notice how the music and the popular forms, as the structure of the Danças Dramáticas, mould the poems of Mário de Andrade, in which appears amorous dilemmas.


music poesia remate de males poetry lírica amorosa música love poetry mário de andrade remate de males mário de andrade

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