Reliability and validity of the brazilian version of the postural control and balance scale for stroke / Confiabilidade e validade da versão brasileira da escala de controle postural e equilibrio para acidente vascular encefalico




Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease with a high incidence and with high impairment. In order to evaluate a stroke patient, the instrument should have the psychometric properties studied. The Postural Control and Balance for Stroke Test (PCBS) was developed by Pyöria et. al. and was published in the English language in 2005. This instrument evaluates postural changes and seating and standing balance. Since this is an important instrument for the rehabilitation field, a translation for the Portuguese language was performed by four bilingual professionals and tested regarding its reliability and validity. The Brazilian title of the scale is "Escala de Controle Postural e Equilíbrio para Acidente Vascular Encefálico (ECPE-AVE)". In order to verify the internal consistence and reliability interrator, twenty one stroke subjects were evaluated, and the results were correlated with other variables. There was a high internal consistence, with Cronbach alpha coefficient close to one for all the four evaluators, Cronbach alpha coefficient >0.8 in all the scores. The interrator reliability was significant, with scores higher than 0,75, in the Coeficiente de Correlação Interclasses and p <0.05. The ECPE-AVE also showed correlation with almost all variables compared. Thus, the evaluation instrument ECPE-AVE is a reliable and validated instrument and can be used to characterize and to evaluate the development of postural control and balance deficits after stroke


method validation equilibrio stroke postura humana avaliação funcional acidentes vasculares cerebrais human posture functional evaluation metodos - validação postural balance

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