Relations between social network and migration Brazil-Japan / Relações entre a rede social e as migrações Brasil-Japão




This research aims at analyzing the Support Networks of Dekasseguis, the nodes that form them, the quality of the bonds that unite them, and the influence of these social actors in decisions made by Brazilian workers in Japan. Firstly, we focus our studies on Dekassegui. Next, we present the history of Social Network analysis within the Humanities and specifically within Psychology, and specify the relations between social networks and migration. We then describe the basics of Intercultural Approach we used in this work. The methodology used follows the precepts of Grounded Theory. Interviews were conducted in person and via the Internet, mainly instant messaging (MSN), with young Brazilian who had the experience of working as dekasseguis in Japan. The data shows impressions of these immigrants about the Japanese people, their acquaintance and communication difficulties with the locals and other Brazilians under the same condition in Japan, and how their Social Network influences in their decision making.


cross cultural psychology japanese cultural groups social networks grupos culturais japoneses psicologia intercultural grounded theory migração teoria fundamentada redes sociais human migration

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