Relações entre as anomalias de TSM do atlântico e pacífico e as precipitações na amazônia oriental / Relationships between the atlantic and pacific SST anomalies and the eastern amazon rainfall




The seasonal and interannual rainfall variability in the Eastern Amazon region was related to the Tropical, South Atlantic and Equatorial Pacific SSTA. 3 x 3 contingency tables, evaluated by the Relative Operating Characteristics Score were used to check the simultaneous and up to 12 months lagged occurrence of 3 rainfall categories (below, near and above normal) in 3 homogeneous regions (Northeastern, Northwestern and Southern) and 3 SSTs categories (below, near and above normal) in the Tropical and South Atlantic and Equatorial Pacific (La Niña, normal and El Niño). The Eastern Amazon rainfall is related to both oceans, mainly the Northeastern and Northwestern groups, in the 1st, 2nd and 4th quarter of the year. The Pacific was found to exert more influence in the rainy period of these groups. The Northwestern group is the most influenced, and in this group, above normal rainfall is significantly related to La Niña events, lagged up to 9 months and below normal rainfall with El Niño events, simultaneously and 3 months lagged in the 1st and 2nd quarter. Below normal SSTs in the Tropical Atlantic are significantly related to below normal rainfall in the Northeastern and Northwestern groups in the 4th quarter, simultaneously and 1 month lagged. Above normal rainfall in the Southern group are related to above normal SSTs in the South Atlantic in the 2nd quarter, simultaneously and 1 month lagged. The South Atlantic influence is small in the other two groups. The Southern group is the most related to the Dipole Index, and the Northwestern the least. Below (above) normal Dipole Index are related to below (above) normal rainfall in the Southern (Northeastern) group, simultaneously and 1 mouth lagged in the 2nd quarter. Below normal SSTs in the Tropical Atlantic are significantly related to La Niña events, 1-6 months lagged, and to below normal Dipole Index, simultaneously and 1-3 months lagged in the 2nd quarter.


sea surface temperature temperatura da superfície do mar amazon region (south america) anomalies rain forests anomalias meteorologia el niño região amazônica (américa do sul) precipitação meteorology

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