Relações de trabalho na agricultura paulista no periodo recente / Relations of work in agriculture in the State of São Paulo in the recent period




The main purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in production methods that have taken place in agriculture in São Paulo State and their impact both on jobs and the socio-economic conditions of the workers in this sector. The rate of direct employment generated by agricultural activities largely depends on the cultivated area, the crops grown and the abundance of the harvest, especially in the short term. The technological level of the agricultural activities is another factor that affects the numbers employed on the land. In the specific case of São Paulo, given the early exhaustion of the rural frontier, the evolving pattern of agricultural work has been influenced mainly by the changing technical basis of the production methods adopted by agricultural units. From the beginning of the 1970s until the middle of the present decade, agriculture in São Paulo lost nearly 700,000 jobs, representing a nearly 40% reduction in rural employment in the period. There is also a tendency for the resident work force to decline, since nearly 60% of those working on the land in São Paulo already live away from the rural properties where they do their work. The seasonal workers, who represented 22% of the total working population during the 1980s, fell to 19% in 2004. At the same time, the new cycle of technological innovation in progress in the agricultural sector in São Paulo since the 1990s, above all in the intensification of mechanization at all stages of the productive process, tends to favor a growing preference for permanent salaried workers. The profile of agricultural work in the different regions of São Paulo State is also analyzed. The numbers occupied on the land during the 1990s indicate that, while all regions suffered a reduction in the level of employment in that period, the combined effects of factors such as the degree of mechanization of cultivation, changes in the indicators of that level of modernization and alterations in the area under cultivation or type of crops had affected of differentiated form the various regions of the state


agriculture agriculture agricultural migrants agricultura - mecanização agricultura trabalhadores rurais volantes - emprego

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