A gênese da agricultura e da silvicultura moderna no estado de São Paulo. / The genesis of forestry and modern agriculture in São Paulo State.




The modernization of agriculture and the emergence of Forestry in its genesis in the beginning of the Twentieth Century in the State of São Paulo are approached and analyzed in this work. The hypothesis is that the agrarian elite, including Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, considered an icon in Forestry in Brazil, possessed a project for the modernization of agriculture, which used European and North American patterns. We can state that the agrarian elite enforces itself in Brazil because it had a firm political proposal, well-based scientifically and updated compared to other countries and wellrelated to other sectors of the society, such as politicians and the media above all. Facts are presented showing that the modernization of agriculture is a worldwide process, in which Brazil follows Europe for an intellectual pattern and The United Sates of America as a concrete example to be imitated in its accomplishments, and the “Sociedade Paulista de Agricultura” (SPA) the main supporter in the State of São Paulo. The government of Jorge Tibiriçá (1905-1908), whose secretaries were in its majority members of the “Sociedade Paulista de Agricultura” (SPA), was its first supporter. This was the first experience of science application as a guide for a well-defined public politics regarding agriculture. The railroad is the main agent for the modernization of the fields, allowing the agriculture move more than two hundred kilometers from the seacoast and making the circulation of products, people and ideas possible. It is part of modern agriculture the use of scientific principals, technology in the organization of the agricultural work, the diversification of agriculture, the implantation of colonies to locate the farmer to the land, making them small land owners; the agricultural research for the production or adaptation of new knowledge and the agricultural teaching – the reformulation of the “Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ) is the great accomplishment of this government. Navarro participates in this process since his return to Brazil, after having concluded his studies in Europe in 1903; producing theoretical/practical knowledge in different sections of agriculture, but he excels when he implants Modern Forestry in the “Hortos da Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro”, to supply the wood demand and calm down the critics that accused it of destroying forests in a wild speed. The general enchantment provoked by Navarro is due to the fact that the levels of excellence achieved in his experiments had not been surpassed after a long time. However, as a conservative, we can affirm that not even in the “Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro” his work was satisfactory, for this company would never be able to produce more than forty percent of the wood it consumed, that means, even with a “sea of eucalyptus” it still devoured entire natural trees and forests.


esalq - história ferrovias environmental protection silvicultura esalq - history proteção ambiental silviculture agricultura moderna agricultura tradicional modern agriculture railway edmundo navarro de andrade - história edmundo navarro de andrade - history traditional agriculture

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