Relação entre uso de TI e eficiência organizacional: um estudo no setor brasileiro de bens de capital mecânicos / The IT use and organizational efficiency relationship: a study in the mechanical capital goods Brazilian sector




The debate surrounding the use of IT and its consequences for companies is still incomplete. Since the Productivity Paradox (BRYNJOLFSSON, 1993), the positive influence of IT on large companies has been shown, and only recently has research regarding small and medium companies been developed. The need for further understanding the appropriate use of IT, the lack of research about Brazilian capital goods industry, and the sectors recent growth in the countrys economy are the main reasons to develop this work. To set forth this investigation, quantitative techniques were used, like statistical correlation and Data Envelopment Analysis, as well as factor analysis, following the sequence: concept definitions; use of appropriate methodology to analyze capital goods companies Success Critical Factors and Performance Indicators; determine DEA model inputs and outputs; elaborate computer information factors; elaborate constructs to apply two stages DEA technique; prepare a questionnaire and send it to the companies electronically; analyze received data; develop a descriptive analysis; develop factor analysis for the computer information factors; main indicators and variables correlation analysis; apply DEA technique for global, first stage and second stage constructs; efficiency results analysis; and correlation analysis between efficiency indexes and computer information factors. The questionnaire was previously tested with three different companies, and was revised and simplified by the Machines and Equipment Brazilian Industry Association (ABIMAQ). The mailing provided by the association contained 3,833 companies, including non-associate ABIMAQ ones. The questionnaire and its answers were transmitted through Universidade de São Paulo electronic mail. From the population, mainly composed by made to order micro and small companies, 80 responded, and 28 attended the needs to be tested on DEA model. Among the most important obtained results are: the positive association between companies size and best practices, the relation between executive participation and computer information factors, the correlation between computer information factors and operating efficiency, smaller companies ability to better convert use of IT into operating efficiency, and larger companies superior ability to convert success critical factors into financial efficiency.


grau de informatização input dea performance indicators efficiency index computer information factors success critical factors computer information degree output financial efficiency output fatores de informatização eficiência operacional fatores críticos de sucesso indicadores de desempenho eficiência em rentabilidade dea operating efficiency Índice de eficiência input

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