Regularização fundiária em áreas de proteção permanente (APPs) : conflitos das gestões urbanística e ambiental




Masters research with the scope of looking into the origin and the motivation of conflicts that arise between urban planners and environmentalists when the objective is to regulate and legalize situations of dwellings in irregular settlements that have already been established, being those dwellings located in Areas of Permanent Protection (APPs). These are environmental locations that are especially protected. This normatization is carried out by means of land legalization, the beginnings and evolution of which are hereby also researched. Cases of land legalization of inhabited areas located in APPs of Campinas have also been studied; said legalizations have been sponsored by the local municipal government. The objective of the study was verifying the conditions under which said legalizations were conceived, effected and then evaluated.


environment, susteinability town (or city) planning segurança da posse regularização fundiária concessão de uso especial para fins de moradia land legalization ambiente usucapião urban development parcelamento do solo urbano estatuto da cidade land tenure direito à moradia city code sustentabilidade plano diretor dwelling wright favela slum acquiring land prescription arquitetura e urbanismo área de proteção permanente areas of permanent protection

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