Regionalization for the planning and the development of Rio Grande do Sul / Regionalização para o planejamento e o desenvolvimento do Rio Grande do Sul




This work aims to contribute to the discussion of regional dynamics in Rio Grande do Sul State, under the parameters of administrative regionalization plans elaborated by the state´s public sector in last three decades in order to plan the development of territory. On one hand, the literature on regional economics presents different criteria for space division process. While, on the other hand, the same literature shows limits related to the construction of a unique regionalization suited for several purposes. Therefore, assuming that space is evaluated as a product of a certain correlation of forces, a territorial division must explain, before all, the justifications for an specific regional delimitation. One of matters involving the analysis deals with the mechanisms that can unite territorial organization to a decentralized and democratic public administration policy. This must be focused in defeating regional inequalities, aiming for real development. For this reason, the dialog with elements of politics has been introduced, mainly referent to the significance of role of civil society in elaboration and praxis of planning for development, expressed through Regional Development Councils (COREDEs).


desenvolvimento regional regional development rio grande do sul politicas publicas public policies

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