Real-time detection of pneumothorax using electrical impedance tomography / Detecção de pneumotórax em tempo real através da tomografia de impedância elétrica




Introduction: Pneumothorax is a frequent complication during mechanical ventilation. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive tool that allows real-time imaging of regional ventilation. The purpose of this study was to: 1) identify characteristic changes in the EIT signals associated with pneumothoraces; 2) develop and fine-tune an algorithm for their automatic detection; and 3) prospectively evaluate this algorithm for its sensitivity and specificity in detecting pneumothoraces in real time. Methods: prospective controlled laboratory animal investigation. Setting: Experimental Pulmonology Laboratory of the University of Sao Paulo. Subjects: 39 anesthetized mechanically ventilated supine pigs (31.0 ± 3.2Kg, mean ± standard deviation). Interventions: In a first group of 18 animals monitored by EIT, we either injected progressive amounts of air (from 20 up to 500 mL) through chest tubes, or we applied large PEEP increments to simulate extreme lung overdistension. This first data set was used to calibrate an EIT-based pneumothorax detection algorithm. Subsequently, we evaluated the real-time performance of the detection algorithm in 21 additional animals (with normal or pre-injured lungs), submitted to multiple ventilatory interventions or traumatic punctures of the lung. Results: primary EIT relative images were acquired on-line (50 images/second) and processed according to a few imaging-analysis routines running automatically and in parallel. Pneumothoraces as small as 20mL could be detected with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity 95% and easily distinguished from parenchymal overdistension induced by PEEP or recruiting maneuvers. Their location was correctly identified in all cases, with a total delay of only 3 respiratory cycles. Conclusion: We created an EIT-based algorithm capable of detecting early signs of pneumothoraces in high-risk situations, which also identifies its location. It requires that the pneumothorax occurs or enlarges at least minimally during the monitoring period. Such detection was operator-free and in quasi real-time, opening opportunities for improving patient safety during mechanical ventilation.


cateterismo venoso central suínos respiration artificial respiração artificial pneumothorax electric impedance catheterization pneumotórax diagnóstico diagnostic imaging impedância elétrica uso diagnóstico

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