Reabilitação social e escolaridade: um estudo sobre a relação da escola e as medidas sócio-educativas de liberdade assistida (LA) e prestação de serviços à comunidade (PSC)




The objective of this research was to analyze how it has developed concrete actions to assist adolescents, authors of illegal action in the implementation of socio-educational measures in open environment, in relation to education compulsory, when applied by the judiciary, according to Statute of the Child and Adolescent Law No. 8069/90, and particularly to the devices of Liberty and Assisted of Services to the Community, understood in this legal document, as measures of social inclusion. Therefore, the collection of data restricted to the documentation filled or supplied by professionals of a non-governmental organization located in the city of the great São Paulo (form of data collection, reports of accompaniment and closing of the measures, opinions prosecutor and Court Orders) authorized by the official agencies to supervise and report the adolescent authors of illegal acts, which the Judiciary Power determined the application of the measures in open way. For the data analysis, I used the evidence model, as Ginzburg (1989) searching to identify signals, clues and evidence that could be presented as way to know for a possible understanding of the social meaning of the school in the socio-educational measures. Concerning the determination of education compulsory, as Sacristán Gimeno (2001), I used the most significant potential that education plays today for everyone, which is of the inclusion


escolarização assisted freedom education criancas desajustadas -- sociais -- educacao provide services to the community liberdade assistida delinquentes juvenis -- educacao medidas sócio-educativas prestação de serviços à comunidade educacao socio-educational measures

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