Raciocinio difuso via logicas moduladas : uma solução ao paradoxo do Sorites




This work studies the concept of vagueness, analyzing their main characteristics and criticizing the viability of Fuzzy Logic to express vague predicates. Vle conclude by showing several debatable points on this use of Fuzzy Logic. Looking for an appropriate logic to express vagueness we study the Modulated Logics, and conclude that they are better suited than Fuzzy Logic to express vague reasoning in the form of what we call qualitative vagueness. Through modulated quantifiers applied to restrict partial order relations we propose a new way to define vague predicates which allows us to approach the Sorites Paradox from a new point of view. We show how Sorites Paradox can be solved when interpreted by modulated logics, and offering an alternative, purely qualitative, foundation to vague predicates


raciocinio logica logic silogismo reasoning syllogism

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