Quem brinca seus males espanta: estudo exploratório do brincar em crianças hospitalizadas com câncer




The child sick with cancer and hospitalized for treatment suffers a series of emotional and psychological repercussions as well. Through playing, children privileged means of communication, it is possible to comprehend which are those repercussions and how the child can use playing to confront the situation experienced. With this as a goal, a clinical qualitative research was done at a reference hospital for cancer treatment, localized in Brasília, DF, that proposed four playing meetings with three children under school age, and interviews with their respective mothers. It was possible to perceive that the illness and hospitalization cause angst and grief feelings to the children, that many times get manifested as aggression; effect their relation with their bodies; and have repercussions on the level of the unconscient body image. It was also observed how much the care and support from the family and even from the health staff is important to the child, functioning as a good enough environment. In this sense, playing eases the exchanges with the environment, brings happiness to the child and allows it to express its feelings, comprehend what is happening to it and elaborate the feelings that emerge.


cancer ciências da saúde crianças - câncer; brincadeiras - crianças - saúde mental subjetividade hospitalization subjectivity câncer childhood infância crianças hospitalizadas - angústia hospitalização

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