Quantitative measurements of proton motive force and motility in Bacillus subtilis.


The protein motive force of metabolizing Bacillus subtilis cells was only slightly affected by changes in the external pH between 5 and 8, although the electrical component and the chemical component of the proton motive force contributed differently at different external pH. The electrical component of the proton motive force was very small at pH 5, and the chemical component was almost negligible at pH 7.5. At external pH values between 6 and 7.7, swimming speed of the cells stayed constant. Thus, either the electrical component or the chemical component of the proton motive force could drive the flagellar motor. When the proton motive force of valinomycin-treated cells was quantitatively decreased by increasing the external K+ concentration, the swimming speed of the cells changed in a unique way: the swimming speed was not affected until about--100 mV, then decreased linearly with further decrease in the proton motive force, and was almost zero at about--30 mV. The rotation rate of a flagellum, measured by a tethered cell, showed essentially the same characteristics. Thus, there are a threshold proton motive force and a saturating proton motive force for the rotation of the B. subtilis flagellar motor.

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