Qualidade de vida relacionada a saude bucal em crianças e adolescentes / Oral health-related quality of life in children and adolescents




More recently, there has been increasing interest in the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children, since pediatric oral disorders are likely to have a negative effect on the child quality of life (QoL). One issue that receives a great deal of attention is the comparison of the measurement of children OHRQoL reports with those of their parents. In this way, three systematic reviews were carried out to review the literature on valid and reliable informations from children and parents concerning child OHRQoL, and to identify the pattern of agreement/disagreement between their reports. The literature was searched using Medline, ISI, Lilacs and Scielo, from 1985-2007. Two researchers independently checked and then selected only articles that used well-validated instruments, provided quantitative measurements of child clinical oral health status, and presented children and parental perceptions of child OHRQoL. In the first systematic review, from 89 records found, thirteen fulfilled the criteria. All selected studies suggested good construct validity. However, child understanding of oral health and well-being are affected by age, age-related experiences, gender, race, education, culture, experiences related to oral conditions, opportunities for treatment, childhood period of changes, back-translating questionnaire and child self-perceived treatment need. Twelve of 402 articles originally identified were included in the second systematic review. The results showed that the relationships between clinical oral health status and QoL in children were not direct, but mediated by a variety of personal, social and environmental variables, as well as by the child development, which have influence on the comprehension about the relationship among health, illness and QoL. In the third one, out of 87 articles that were critically assessed, five studies were selected, which showed that children and parents do not necessarily share similar views about child OHRQoL. Although the parental reports may be incomplete due to lack of knowledge about certain experiences, they still provide useful information. These systematic reviews were important not only to identify, to review and to assess the literature findings on child OHRQoL, but principally to start a series of researches on Brazilian child and parent populations concerning child OHRQoL. In this way, two cross-sectional studies were conducted. The first one translated the Child Perceptions Questionnaires (CPQ8-10 and CPQ11-14) into Portuguese language, made the necessary cultural adaptations (n=80) and evaluated their validity (n=210) and reliability (n=40). The results showed that both questionnaires were valid and reliable for use in Brazilian child population, although discriminant validity had been sporadic, inconsistent or non-existent. The second study translated the Parental Perceptions Questionnaire (PPQ) into Portuguese, made the necessary cultural adaptations (n=20), tested its validity (n=210) and reliability (n=20) and evaluated the concordance between parent and child reports (210 pairs of parents and children) concerning child OHRQoL. The results showed that the Portuguese version of PPQ had good psychometric properties. Some parents have limited knowledge about child’ OHRQoL. Given that parental and child reports are measuring different perceptions of the same reality, information provided by parents can complement the child’ evaluation.


tradução confiabilidade reliability questionarios questionnaires translations

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