Qualidade de serviços nas organizações do terceiro setor . / Service quality in nonprofit organizations.




This Dissertation discusses the service quality in nonprofit organizations. As the subject was not yet deeply studied by Industrial Engineering in Brazil, an exploratory research is conducted, using the case study methodology. Through a bibliographic revision and a field research developed in selected organizations, the nonprofit sector’s organizational and administrative aspects are analyzed, verifying the specific features in applying service quality concept (customer expectation X perception) in those organizations. It concludes that the implementation can not be done in the same way as in for profit companies. Three typical aspects of the nonprofits must be considered: they don’t have only one client, but several stakeholders playing this part; each one of those actors has different expectations towards the institution and its own way of assessing service quality; and, due to values such as justice and solidarity, essential in that kind of organizations, the service delivering process assumes special relevance, being many times more relevant than the results achieved.


qualidade servicos nonprofit organizations terceiro setor services quality

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