Qualidade de morangos cultivados na regiÃo de Lavras, MG, armazenados em temperatura ambiente. / Quality of strawberries cultivated in the region of Lavras- MG stored at room temperature.




The harvesting of strawberries has taken prominence in Brazil over the last years because of its great economic importance. Strawberries have shown an elevated loss, high susceptibility to pathogenic agents that cause rotting, principally due to its intensive metabolic activity, demanding a rigorous chemical control from the time of planting until the time of selling the fruit. With the change in diet habits that have occurred over the last years in the country, consumers have demanded attributes in quality of fruits and vegetables such as: appearance, flavor, smell, nutritional value, and absence of defects. Because of the above mentioned, the objective of this research was to determine some parameters in the quality of the cultivated strawberries. Oso-Grande, Tudla and Toyorrinho have come to the municipality of Itutinga MG to give support to producers by choosing the best plant that adapts to the region. At the biochemical lab at UFLA, Lavras MG, 80 fruit samples from each plantation were selected and separated in two groups. 40 samples were selected and removed from each plantation for analyses at the day of picking. 40 samples were taken from each plantation and stored at room temperature for 5 days. The parameters studied were: physical characteristics, loss of mass, pH, SS, AT, total sugars , reducers and non-reducers, total pectin and soluble, % of solubility , vitamin C, PME, PG coliformes at 35Â C and tertmotolerantes, salmonella spp and the identification and isolation of fungi. We can conclude that the fruit from the Oso-Grande plantation presented higher levels of pH, loss of mass , total pectin and soluble and lower levels of AT, SS, total sugars , reducers, vitamin C, PME and % of solubility. The fruit from Tudla presented higher levels of PG, and lower levels of pH, non-reducers of sugar and total pectin. The fruit from Toyorrinho presented higher levels of SS, total sugars reducers and non-reducers, vitamin C, PME and % of solubility and lower levels of mass loss and PG. The three plantations studied showed to be equal in relationship to size and ready for consumption after five days of storage, following minister of health norms (RDC 12).


pÃs-colheita armazenamento morango room temperature composiÃÃo quÃmica. post harvest. armazenamento de produtos agricolas temperatura ambiente storage strawberry

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