Quadro de horários acadêmico:: uma abordagem com foco na avaliação institucional e na gestão de custos de instituições de ensino superior privadas brasileiras




This dissertation presents the timetabling problem to educational institutions showed in a different angle in relation with other works in the literature, applicable in the brazilian context. The construction of academic timetables is a structural activity in an educational institution. There are rules and standards in the brazilian superior education system that establish quality parameters, that should be fulfilled by institutions. This work proposes a methodology for the construction of academic timetables, so that the aspects of operational costs and the fulfillment of legal requirements are considered. The most important used parameters are from the SINAES (National Superior Education Evaluation System), managed by MEC (Ministry of Education), throughout Institutional Evaluation done by INEP (National Institute of Studies and Educational Research Anísio Teixeira). Its important to highlight the work regimen, the academic degree, the publications and productions of academic staff. Based on these and other informations, it is desirable to make the teachers assignments in the institutional activities in an efficient mode, in order to get the quality level desired and rational academic resources application. Due to the line of costs management, this work is directed to the private superior educational institutions, once that various criteria are not applied to the public organization. Therefore, a process for the construction of timetables is proposed, which includes optimization models for the assignment to subjects offered, for institutions organized in an single campus and for multicampi institutions.


escolas organização e administração teses. computação teses. calendario escolar teses. programação (computadores) teses.

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