Psychological boarding of the Problem of Pertaining to school Learning: What in the child teaches to them who does not learn? / Abordagem psicolÃgica do problema de aprendizagem escolar : o que nos ensina a crianÃa que nÃo aprende?




This work had for objective to investigate the school learning problems pertaining to children of second year of Basic School, from the Psychology look, and its connection between cognition and affectivity. Although the school failures have multiples causes, we made a cut out for situations where it assumes the symptom form, denouncing, in the language of our society, its malaise. We interview teachers and its pupils, following a basic script, and request that the same ones drew one situations of teach-learning; for children we request, also, the drawing of their families. All these data had been interpreted having as main theory body the idea of AlÃcia Fernandez, according to which children who have learning problems can be defending yourself of something that can not be translate in words. We also base ours reflections in the ideas of Jean Piaget, Sigmund Freud, L. Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner, Antonio DamÃsio, Anny CordiÃ, Sara Paim, in which there is a possible link between cognition and affectivity in the learning process. We observe that the teachers have a comprehension of pupils school failure can be beyond question of learning, pass by the affectivity. We believe that Psychology has an important paper to develop in the pertaining to school communities, helping in comprehension ampler of the problem of learning, as well as, together families, favoring one re-elaboration of relation of child with the pertaining to school learning.


fracasso escolar â crianÃas cognition aprendizagem escolar â dificuldades failure pertaining to school psicologia cognitiva psicologia cognitiva afetividade e cogniÃÃo â relaÃÃo na aprendizagem affectivity

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