Psiquê na pólis : individuação e desenvolvimento político da personalidade




This study analyses the relations between individuation - psychologycal development process as proposed by Analytical Psychology - and personality political development. Twenty four therapists from São Paulo and Brasília, from both genders and different clinical orientations, answered a survey and seven of them participated of a focal group about the subject of "clinical practice and politics". Therapists understand political issues as a background personal issues. They evaluate as inapropriate to initiate a talk about political issues with patients in a therapeutic session, however they don t avoid talking about it when the initiative comes from the patients. Economics issues, security and violence in society, labour world, gender differences or conflicts, ambiental concerns, national politics and race/ethnicity, female old age and regional origin prejudices are frequent subjects. The way of dealing with political issues is prefferently "simbolic-interpretative", although many times associated with a "realistic" form of considering the subject or with the search of meaning for the patient. The majority of therapists haven t received any especialized therapeutic formation to deal with political isssues. In general, they have had a molre intense personal political participation in the past than in the present and they believe that professional maturity helps dealing with political topics. The personal political development is understood as consequence of psychological development or then as being supported by it, but it may not occur necessarily. Many times the therapists understand political involvement as malfunctioning of the psyche symptom and don t identify sociopolitical experiences as stimulus to development of the psyche. The study confirms A. Samuels (1995) conclusion about the split between the profession public aspects, that appear in an apolitic way, and the privated aspects, representated by professionals that have a political history and participation. Greater deps in the studies about the relations between psychological development and political development that may support the different approaches in dealing with political topics in therapeutic situation is suggested.


desenvolvimento psicológico da personalidade dealing with political topics in a therapeutic situation manejo de material político na situação terapêutica psicologia self político desenvolvimento político da personalidade individuação political development of personality political self individuation psychological development of personality

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