"Psicoterapia psicodramática focal: análise qualitativa e quantitativa no transtorno depressivo maior" / Focal psychodrama psychotherapy: a quantitative and qualitative analysis on major depressive disorder




The importance of several psychotherapic approaches associated to pharmacotherapy on the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder has been quite highlighted, although, there is little information as far as Psychodramatic Psychotherapy is concerned. The present study compared 20 patients diagnosed with MDD in use of antidepressant drugs and evaluated with the Hamilton Depression Scale (scores between 7 and 20), divided into two groups as follows: ten of the patients from the Psychotherapic Group (PG) took part in 4 individual psychodramatic psychotherapy sessions and 24 psychodramatic psychotherapy group sessions. Ten of the patients from the Control Group (CG) did not participate in the psychodramatic psychotherapy sessions. Both groups were evaluated with the HAM-D17 Scale and the Social Adjustment Scale - Self Report (SASSR) at the beginning and at the end of the psychotherapic process, and the PG was also evaluated through Sociometric Analysis, based on the psychodramatic method. In comparison to the CG, the PG presented a significant improvement regarding the symptoms of depression and social functioning, as well as an expressive change on the investigated sociometric aspects


control groups psicotrÓpicos/uso terapêutico transtorno depressivo/psicologia psicodrama/métodos depressive disorders/psychology psicoterapia/métodos psychodrama/methods psychotropic drugs/therapeutic use grupo controle psychotherapy/methods

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