Psicanálise e saúde pública: cuidados básicos para os estados de sofrimento psíquico na primeiríssima infância




The present work is fruit of a research that had as objective to propose an action strategy in Mental Health for the first childhood, starting from the dimension of the relevance of the identification work and precocious intervention of signs of risk of psychic suffering among children range zero to three years old. In order to accomplish that search, we used an instrument denominated "Record of Attendance of the Infantile Development" and we counted with the support from the team of the Health Family Program of the municipal district of Pirajuba-MG, with total population of approximately 3.000 inhabitants. The application of the Instrument was accomplished the 136 children s parents/responsible, that correspond to 4,53% of the general population, close to independently of the general state of health of the same ones. After the application and analysis of the instrument, we can detach that about 14,7% of the children presented some sign of risk of psychic suffering, being necessary the direction of the same ones to the pertinent services. That mapping allows us reaffirming the need of guidelines that you/they prioritize the Infantile Mental Health, front to the prevalence every larger and more precocious of psychic suffering in the childhood. Engaged with the subject of the health and recognizing the urgency and need of creating strategies and attendance devices and reception, we formed a support net and sustainability, starting from inherent resources to each situation. That net was woven and structured starting from three directions: the) the deconstruction of the reparative logic; b) the focus in the "clinic" of the bow parents/child; c) the child s recognition as subject. In that way, we developed an attendance work close to four children that presented indicative signs of risk of psychic suffering using of the technique of Intervention United Parent-children and of the psychoanalytic-interpretative method. Leaving of that experience, we sought to raise questions and discussions on how to face the subject of the psychic suffering of first childhood, establishing reflections about the possible interrelations between the Psychoanalysis and Public Health.


saúde pública psicanálise infantil public health intervenção precoce precocious intervention saúde mental infantil psicologia infantile mental health

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