Proposta e aplicação do método das hélices na identificação de estudantes talentosos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The issue of identification is the major factor in an enrichment program to gifted students, because it determines which students will be attended and the criteria used in the identification process. The objective was to develop a method capable of providing a probabilistic interpretation to identify talented students from Renzullis three rings conception. This research can be defined as quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational, which seeks to establish relationships between the concepts involved in defining giftedness. The methodological approach followed to address the issue of study is: (a) analysis of the different conceptualizations of giftedness, (b) analysis of the various processes of identifying gifted students, (c) reflection on the use of probability in science and (d) development of a mathematical procedure in order to identify gifted students. The identification of gifted students is a challenging task because of the controversy over the definition of Giftedness and its suitability to the school context under study, the subjectivity of some identification methods and the limitations of psychometric tests. The probabilistic interpretation proposed in this work agrees with this view that giftedness is not absolute and is an attempt to minimize the subjective aspects of identification processes. At the same time, due to the tendency of adopting multiple criteria to identify gifted students, the method of Propellers satisfies the need to consider the correlation between the scores obtained by students. Thus, this research presents a new way of evaluating the data obtained in the traditional processes of identifying gifted students. A pilot study was conducted and found that students with equivalent values of the mean of the scores from the identification process had different values of CTC and types of giftedness. The correct interpretation of the parameters proposed must necessarily lead school administrators to work with uncertainty. A student with a CTC value higher than another student is not necessarily more talented. This uncertainty should serve to promote discussion and reflection on how many and which students should be selected to care programs, and the same influence on the structuring of these.


educação especial altas habilidades superdotação identificação talento educacao especial special education giftedness talent identification

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