Propose one method of resource levelling developed using the principles of the theory of constraints to operational planning. / Proposição de um método de nivelamento de recursos a partir de princípios da teoria das restrições para o planejamento operacional.




The planning process of construction of vertical housings used in Brazil have shown lacks, mainly when confronting the scheduling guiding the decision-making to invest, concerning the risk of the enterprise, versus the results obtained during the execution control. The discrepancies observed between the expected results regarding scheduling and those observed in the execution control processes, especially those about timeframe and resource allocation indicators, show the necessity to adjust and improve constantly the scheduling processes. Aspects such as greater consistency in defining scope and in the design of operational planning supported by logical networks, along with an appropriate correlation between the duration of activities and the corresponding resource allocation, deserve to be optimized. This study focus on the development of operational scheduling techniques, contemplating resource allocation to deal with those aspects above mentioned. Emphasis is given to the reinforcement of correlation between estimated timeframes for activities and the corresponding resource allocation. The objective of this research work is to propose one method of resource levelling developed using the principles of the Theory of Constraints (TOC). This method consists of a heuristic scheduling process oriented towards operational schedule, complemented by procedures for mapping of scope for the construction of vertical residential buildings and a library of elementary logical networks also oriented towards this type of buildings. The objective of these complements is to guarantee a minimum level of consistency for the simulated implementation model, as well as to insure the adequate use of the levelling resource process proposed here. Sixteen cases studies were developed to support these complementary processes, beyond 171 tests in twenty one logical networks to evaluate the principles of the TOC, to calibrate the method, to analyze its performance and to demonstrate its applicability. Finally, it was concluded that the heuristics rules proposal that compose the method in this Thesis is of easily application, and presented a performance equally or higher than the best existent rules.


schedule theory of constraints engenharia civil leveling resources gerenciamento da construção

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