PROGRESSO DA FERRUGEM E DA CERCOSPORIOSE NA CULTURA DO CAFEEIRO IRRIGADO EM VÃRIAS DENSIDADES DE PLANTIO / Progress of rust and cercosporosis in irrigated cultivation of coffee in various densities of planting




The current coffee has been adopted new technologies to conduct and to manage crop, such as irrigation, fertigation and high plant densities in order to increase productivity and consequently, the profit. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation methods applied in four plant densities by a drip system, its relation with the incidence and severity of rust and cercosporiosis in coffee and to verify the influence of leafing in the progress curve of these diseases. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Federal University of Lavras - MG, using the cultivar "Rubi", MG-1192 with 6 years of implantation. The experimental design was in blocks at random with four replications. The treatments consisted of four units represented by different plant densities (conventional and not conventional): 2,500 (4.0 x1, 0m), 3,333 (3.0 x1, 0m), 5,000 (2.0 x1, 0m), 10,000 (2.0 x0 , 5m) plants / ha, with four subunits: the irrigation when water tension in the soil reaches values of 20 and 60kPa; irrigation using water balance management (calculated by the software IRRIPLUS), in a total of 16 treatments. Each subunit line consisted of 10 plants and were considered as useful plants the six central plants. We evaluated the incidence and severity of disease and the percentage of leafing of coffee plants. After statistical evaluation, the data were converted to area under the curve of progress of diseases and leafing. The irrigation managements influenced the cercosporiosis incidence and leafing of coffee plants. However, there was no effect in rust incidence and severity. High planting densities improved the rust incidence and at the same time reduced the cercosporiosis incidence. However, the planting densities not interfered in the coffee leafing. The higher incidence and severity of cercosporiosis was observed in conventional systems. There was no relation between plant densities and irrigation management on leafing, rust and cercosporiosis in Arabian coffee.


cercospora coffeicola hemileia vastatrix manejos de irrigaÃÃo plant densities cercospora coffeicola densidades de plantio hemileia vastatrix fitopatologia

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