Programa nacional de banda larga : análise sobre a formação da agenda da universalização da banda larga no Brasil




In May 2010, the Federal Government announced the National Broadband Program. In the last year of his mandate, the President decided to launch a program for universal broadband providing for that, among other measures, the reactivation of Telebrás. The research aimed to understand this agenda setting. The question that guided the study was: how telecommunications policy has incorporated the dimension of universal broadband? For this, a conceptual model developed by Kingdon was applied, considering the perspective of multiple streams. Using the method of process tracing, it was examined the antecedent conditions of the agenda setting, which could explain how it came to decision making. Among the antecedent conditions two aspects were surveyed. The first referred to the initial conditions on telecommunications policy and, more specifically, the universal service debate. Also among the antecedent conditions, four events were considered important to explain the agenda setting. The events were: 1) attempt to create the Digital Communication Service; 2) the project named Brazil Three Times conduced by the Center for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic; 3) the exchange of universal service obligations under the General Plan for Universal Service; 4) the command of the President to draw up a national plan for broadband. As a result of the study, it was possible to confirm the high degree of fragmentation of the debate on universal broadband in the Federal Government, the low relevance of rules and formal instruments of planning for telecommunications policy and the secondary involvement of civil society and Legislative in this agenda setting.


universal broadband internet-banda larga tecnologias-aspectos sociais administracao public policy telecommunications formação de agenda telecomunicações agenda setting políticas públicas

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