Professores alfabetizadores da escola publica e o construtivismo : representações e apropriações




This dissertation tries to point out the representations and appropriations of constructivism by literacy teachers of public schools and tries to situate them in the large scenery of public education in São Paulo State, nowadays. To acquire these representations we made semi-structured interview with literacy teachers of CB1 (the first class of literacy), in a qualitative approach. These representations are varied involving the emergence of differents appropriations that, sometimes, denotes acceptance or rejection of the constructivism as a practice of literacy presenting, also, proximity or distance from theoretic approach of Piaget, Vygotsky, Ferreiro and Teberosky. In order to explain the reasons for these differents and antagonistic representations and appropriations we searched the theoretical support in many authors like Bourdieu, Chartier and Perrenoud. We, also, focused the criticism of several academics to pedagogic construtivism and the consequences of this criticism on literacy teachers receptions about construtivists ideas, related to the increase or decrease of investiments on researches for this alternative practice, construtivist, of teaching and learning


professores - formação politica e educação psicologia social construtivismo alfabetização

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