Produtividade e qualidade de híbridos de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) dos segmentos Santa Cruz e Italiano em função do raleio de frutos, em ambiente protegido / Yield and qualitative characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) hybrids of Santa Cruz and Italian types in function of fruit thinning under greenhouse environmental conditions




The objectives of this work were to determine the effect of cluster thinning on yield and its components on tomato hybrids of the Santa Cruz and Italian types of indeterminate growth, and to perform the qualitative characterization of the fruits, aiming at in natura growth. Treatments consisted of 12 indeterminate fresh-market tomato cultivars (six experimental hybrids and six commercial cultivars). A randomized complete block design was used in this trial, with split-plots, and 12 treatments replicated three times. The hybrid cultivars were allocated in the plots and the fruit thinning effect (with and without manual fruit thinning) was observed in the subplots. Total (PT), marketable (PC) and not marketable fruits (PR) yields, average fruit weight (MM), number of fruits per plant (FP), and, number of fruits per inflorescence (FI), number of locules per fruit (LC), fruit length (CM), fruit width (LR), length/width (CM/LR), size of the stem scar (CP), fruit wall thickness (EP) were measured. For quantitative characterization, soluble solids concentration (SS), ascorbic acid content (AA), tritable acidity (AT), pH, SS and AT ratio (SS/AT) and lycopene (LI) contents were measured. Based on the results of the trial carried out can be concluded that: a) the fruit thinning has increased marketable yield, average weight, length and width for the Santa Cruz hybrids THX-02 and THX-03, and THX-04, THX-05 and Netuno classed as Italian type. Furthermore, this practice did not provide benefits for production and its components for the other genotypes and characteristics evaluated, despite of the varietal type, and does not affect the organoleptic quality of the genotype. It was also concluded that regarding ascorbic acid content Avalon outperforms Netuno and Sahel, and Débora Max, THX-01, THX-02 and THX-04 are similar to each other as the content of lycopene, but differ from Giuliana, Sahel, THX-03, and THX-06.


vegetable crops fruto tomato cultivo protegido fruit thinning greenhouse environmental (plant) tomate. ambiente protegido (plantas) raleio

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