Production of verbal morphology, complex and noncanonial sentences by nonfluent aphasics / Morfologia flexional, sentenças complexas e não-canônicas na produção de afásicos não-fluentes




This work investigates verbal morphology, non-canonical and embedded sentences on the production of Brocas aphasics. The goals were to evaluate some hypothesis about agrammatic production and to search for aspects of aphasic behavior that could be useful for linguistic theories. We carried out two tests with a whole of four individuals who suffered lesions on the left cortex, at (or potentially affecting) Brocas area. The first test investigates the dissociation between Agreement and Tense originally reported by Friedmann &Grodzinsky (1997). For this purpose we have conducted a filler-gap task with forced choice. The second test consisted of a repetition task involving unergatives, unaccusatives, passives and embedded sentences. Our results showed that some reported dissociations could not be replicated by our study, while other unexpected ones were brought up. Considering this data, we draw some conclusions about some hypotheses about aphasic behavior and also propose some cautions to be taken concerning research methodology in neurolinguistics


sintaxe verbal morphology agramatismo syntax afasia distúrbios da linguagem neurolinguística agrammatism linguistica afasia de broca morfologia verbal distúrbios da fala brocas aphasia distúrbios cognitivos

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