Produção de Pleurotus sajor-caju em bagaço de cana-de-açúcar lavado e o uso de aditivos visando sua conservação "in natura". / Production of Pleurotus sajor-caju in washed sugar cane bagasse and the fresh mushrooms’shelf life evaluation by treatment with diferent solutions.




Traditionally, the cultivation of edible mushroom Pleurotus sajor-caju or “hiratake” has been carried out on different composted and pasteurized agricultural residues. They are usually sold in natura and according to the storage conditions the mushrooms’shelf life varies from 3 to 7 days. The objectives of this study were to investigate the traditional processes of compostage and pasteurization in substitution by washed and supplemented (mineral or organic) sugar cane bagasse and evaluate the increase of fresh mushrooms’shelf life by immersion into different solutions. In the first experiment, the fresh sugar cane bagasse was washed in fresh water and packed in ethylene bag added with the spawn; the suplementation of washed sugar cane bagasse was mineral (with the nutritive solution) or organic (with the corn gritz). The biological efficiency and the contamination of the substrate were analysed. After harvest, the mushrooms were immersed into different solutions for 2 minutes, dryed, packed in trays and kept under refrigeration (4ºC) for 10 days. Coloration, texture, weight and global aspect of the mushrooms were evaluated in this period of storage. The washed bagasse was efficient to inhibit the growth of competitive microorganisms during the spawning and production of the mushrooms. The supplementation with nutritive solution presented the best biological efficiency media (BEM), 30,03% while with the control was 26,62%. The corn gritz presented the worst performance, with a BEM of 15,66%. The yellowish of mushrooms occurred and their texture and weight decreased. The global aspect of the immersed mushrooms had no difference compared to the control not immersed. This process of immersion into different solutions did not extend the shelf life of fresh mushrooms.


edible mushroom aditivos alimentares qualidade dos alimentos conservação de alimento food quality food aditives cogumelo comestível food conservation

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