Processos referenciais na retextualização de textos acadêmicos




This work aims to investigate the processes of internal and external referenciation in critical reviews and summaries with scholarly character produced from retextualization of the academic texts by students that have just joined at Course of Letter. The results give evidence of a correlation between retextualization and referenciation. In the proportion that the student is going to abandon the use of excerpts from the text-based and adopting more sophisticated strategies to retextualization as the reformulation, for example, can be observed that the texts produced do not present too many gaps on their process of reference. Among the referential strategies employed can be emphasized the use of nominal forms of reference, that show how the student reformulates the object-of-discourse and give us clues on the (re) construction of concepts coming from his/her academic and/or professional area. The analysis of those recourses used by students in the construction of summaries and reviews can help the teacher to redirect his/her strategies to approach the referenciation and the retextualization in the classroom, and promote a (re)discussion of concepts that he/she wants to be (re) constructed by students. It was also verified that the choice of enunciative mechanisms configures as one of the barriers that a student who wants to produce a retextualization task has to overcome to produce (re) formulations of objects-of-discourse in the composition of summaries and reviews.


lingüística teses. anáfora (lingüística) teses. paráfrase teses. referencia (linguistica) teses. práticas discursivas teses. resumos redação teses. gêneros textuais teses. análise do discurso teses. produção de textos teses. lingüística textual teses.

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