A Metadiscursividade De Processos Referenciais / The Metadiscourse of Referenciais process


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The proposal of this work is to identify and to describe the metadiscourse functions exercised by referential expressions. Identified these expressions still aimed at to present an analysis proposal for the evaluative content of these tends in view the influence of the writer positioning observation for the text sense construction. We considered the referential expressions object-of-speech just as the referring is conceived in the theory of the referenciation, as define it ApothÃloz and Reichler-Beguelin (1995); Mondada and Dubois (2003); Marcuschi and Koch (1998). The second theory, regarding the metadiscourse, takes as principal theoretical presupposition the rhetorical notion elaborated by Hyland (1998). The elaboration of the methodology of the research felt by the classification of Cavalcante (2004 b and c) for the referential expressions; the classification of Hyland(1998, 2005) for the metadiscurso. As base for the analysis of the content axiolÃgico of the referencial expressions with metadiscourse function, we used some categories of the Critical Discourse Analysis.


linguistica referÃncia anÃlise do discurso metadiscurso reference discourse analysis metadiscourse anÃlise do discurso referÃncia (linguÃstica) linguistica aplicada

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