Processes of subjectivity inscribed in the constitution of the nurse’s experience of the self, in the assistance practices of exemplar work scenery – The Unity of Intensive Therapy / "Processos de subjetivação inscritos na constituição da experiência de si da/o enfermeira/o nas práticas assistenciais de um cenário de trabalho exemplar - a unidade de terapia intensiva"




This study aimed describing and analyzing the processes of subjectivity inscribed in the constitution of the nurse’s experience of the self, in the assistance practices of an exemplar work scenery – the Unity of Intensive Therapy; submitting them to a Foucault’s look about the truth regimes, through which the study intended to examine the conditions in which the nurse asks herself/himself what she/he is. In the processes of subjectivity, we try to question the technologies of the self – truth games through which the nurse reflects upon herself/himself, when she/he realizes herself/himself, recognizes herself/himself, judges herself/himself as one. It was used the theoretical referential of Michel Foucault, complemented by studies of Jorge Larrosa about the apparatus of production and mediation of the experience of the self. This research took place at the Unity of Intensive Therapy of the Julio Muller University Hospital, that is a Public Institution of the Unique Health System in Cuiabá. The researched group was constituted, mainly, of nurses who worked with health assistance activities at this University Hospital, once the technologies of the self constitute apparatus of reflexivity, we got interested by the nurse’s experience of the self; however, always considering that other workers participate of this construction. The technical instruments used in this study tried to capture the assistance practices in theirs material discursive sense and also in theirs material not discursive sense, trying to select exemplar cases and registers, as well as discordant cases of these practices. The data analysis was done through the construction of several research boards, which were a result of the look given to the materiality of the practices, of the subject’s power relation, of the subject’s relation with herself/himself, once the constitution of the nurse’s experience of the self – as experience historically singular - relates speech camps, power camps and processes of subjectivity. The production and mediation apparatus of the experience of being nurse show their materiality in the daily practices of reading and intervention upon the body/machine in the UIT in the mechanisms in which they developed (and still develop) competences around the objectivity of the clinic staff and produced (and still produce) the experience of being, the nurse, the extension of the doctor’s eyes and arms; in the mechanisms in which it was captured (and is daily captured) the clinical language and it was produced (and is still produced) the experience of being, the nurse, a subject of the clinical speech; and also in the mechanisms in which it was marked (and is still marked) the place of each one, and it was produced (and is daily produced) the experience of place of herself/himself, the nurse, in relation to the other agents of the practices in the UIT. In these mechanisms, it is observed a production of a professional look, as a look that prefers the clinic instead of the care; and a professional actuation oriented by the clinic. In the complexity of this experience, and in a contingent form to these apparatus and mechanisms, it is the interrogation of the possibilities of the nurse’s Govern of the self in the current work sceneries.


experiência de si enfermeiro experience of the self unidade de terapia intensiva unity of intensive therapy nurse

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