"Procedimentos odontológicos em pacientes hipertensos com ou sem o uso de anestésico local prilocaína associada ou não ao vasoconstritor felipressina" / Dental procedures in hypertensive patients with or without the use of the local anesthetic prilocaine associated or not to the vasoconstrictor felypressin




The objective of this study was to investigate the behavior of blood pressure and the role of anxiety during dental treatment of hypertensive patients. An evaluation was made of sixty-five hypertensive patients (blood pressure = 140/90 mm Hg) under anti-hypertensive treatment were evaluated by the IDATE anxiety test (n = 34), blood pressure measurements 2/2 minutes (automatic oscillometric device), and ABPM (n = 42) with 15/15 minutes measurements, during 8 hours on the days of the two dental experiments. Evaluation an increase in systolic pressure of short duration and little magnitude ( <10 mm Hg) was found, regardless of using prilocaine with or without felypressin. During some procedures, the patients presenting anxiety had higher blood pressure than those without anxiety, suggesting that anxiety may play a role in the increase of blood pressure


blood pressure monitoring ambulatory adrenergic beta-antagonists anesthetics local ansiedade ao tratamento odontológico monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial vasoconstrictor agents hipertensão vasoconstritores dental anxiety hypertension anestésicos locais beta-antagonistas adrenérgicos

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