Prediction models of the despassivation of reinforcement steel in concrete structures due to carbonation. / Modelos de previsão da despassivação das armaduras em estruturas de concreto sujeitas à carbonatação.




This work starts presenting the theoretical concepts needed for a good understanding of it’s contents, including corrosion of steel in concrete, passivation, despassivation, service life and concepts of risk analysis and reliability theory. In chapter three it’s discussed the several variables that have influence in concrete carbonation, presenting a general view of the knowledge concerning the topic in Brasil and other countries. Chapter four presents and discuss the prediction models of carbonation and comparisons are made between the results of the main models. In chapter five it is presented the experimental work that intends to contribute with the knowledge about the carbonation and concrete covers variability by means of a case study. The studied structure was the parking garage of a 30 years residential building, located in the central zone of São Paulo city in Brasil, in witch were made a several number of measurements of carbonation depth, concrete cover, CO2 concentration and air relative humidity. The collected data was analyzed using variance analysis and the values of carbonation depth were compared with that estimated using prediction models. The theoretical calculation of the despassivation probability was compared with the real despassivation incidence. The variation coefficients obtained were almost compared with the results of other recent investigations. It is still presented the development of a computer program for predicting the initiation period using deterministic and probabilistic methods.


durability corrosion reinforced concrete structures despassivation prediction models service life estruturas de concreto armado corrosão modelos de previsão despassivação durabilidade carbonatação carbonation vida útil

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