PrÃticas alimentares em recÃm-nascidos de muito baixo peso




Feeding very low-weight infant adequately is fundamental to ensuring their survival and improving growth and development. However, a high percentage of these infants become malnourished during hospitalization in the first weeks of life. Due to the importance of this issue, which has been increasingly studied and researched by healthcare professionals, the present paper addresses the perspective of adjusting to better feeding practices in order to optimize the extrauterine growth of this population. Objectives: Review the literature with regard to feeding practices for very low-weight infant and factors that limit extra-uterine growth; present a study in the form of an original article on feeding practices used with very low-weight infant and weight at 28 days of life with the use of these practices. Methods: A literature review was performed based on a bibliographic search of the Medline, Scielo, Lilacs and PubMed databases, using the terms âpreterm infantâ, âlow birth weight infantâ, âneonatal intensive careâ, âenteral feedingâ and âparenteral nutritionâ, as well as an additional research in databanks of dissertations, theses and specialized books. The original article was developed from a cross-sectional study analyzing information on the medical charts of very low-weight infant at the maternity ward of the Agamenon MagalhÃes Hosptial (Recife, Brazil) from May 1, 2005 to May 31, 2007. Results: The literature reports that potentially better feeding practices, such as early perenteral and enteral feeding, the use of motherâs milk and the introduction of nutritional supplements should be prioritized in this population. Healthcare services in which feeding strategies based on scientific knowledge were implanted have achieved better results with regard to the extra-uterine growth of newborns. In the study carried out at the Agamenon MagalhÃes Hospital, it was observed that a small number of the newborns studied began parenteral feeding on the first day of life. Enteral feeding was initiated within the first 48 hours in a large number of infants and approximately 90% of the newborns were discharged exclusively receiving motherâs milk. A large number of infants had inadequate growth at 28 days of life. Some feeding practices were associated to greater mean weight at 28 days of life, but without reaching the 10th percentile on the Fenton growth chart. Conclusion: There is a consensus in the most current scientific literature that, although questions remain regarding feeding strategies for very low-weight infant, there is evidence of better nutritional results and the safety of such practices. In the neonatal unit where the present study was carried out, the feeding practices described in the literature as potentially better are not yet employed in a systematic fashion in order to reduce the percentage of restricted extra-uterine growth at 28 days of life


enteral feeding very low-weight infant recÃm-nascido prematuro recÃm-nascido de muito baixo peso saude materno-infantil premature infant parenteral nutrition alimentaÃÃo enteral alimentaÃÃo parenteral unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal neonatal intensive care unit

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