Postcolonialism and the braziliam context: Haroldo de Campos, a poscolonial translator? / Pós-colonialismo e o contexto brasileiro: Haroldo de Campos, um tradutor pós-colonial?




The main purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the relation of Postcolonialism with the Brazilian context, motivated by the references to Haroldo de Camposs translation theory by Translation Studies theoreticians. On the one hand, if the international recognition of Camposs translation theory is deserved, on the other, to consider him "postcolonial" narrows the dimension of Camposs reflections, which pervade all his production as poet, critic, translator and theoretician, and cannot be considered separately. The research will follow two parallel lines of investigation: post-colonial translation theory, its historical and theoretical aspects, and Haroldo de Camposs translation theory, which will converge towards the hypothesis: Camposs translation theory advocated new aesthetic information, rather than a political message.


colonização haroldo de campos tradução transcreation postcolonialism transcriação haroldo de campos translation pós-colonialismo colonization

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