Português língua estrangeira: uma análise do livro didático.




This research focuses on the analysis of didactic books as reference material at Portuguese teaching as foreign language. In this investigation task, the activities of written comprehension and production in didactic books destined to Portuguese are emphasized. The sample is constituted by ten specific volumes destined for Portuguese teaching as foreign language to the beginning and intermediate levels. In order to collect data, it was done: didactic books selection, analysis of the approach suggested by each volume, analysis of the written comprehension and production activities in each book. Therefore, considering the items cited previously, this investigation contains the following questions: A) Do the written comprehension and production activities reflect the most recent theoretical conceptions about the process of teaching / learning a foreign language? B) What is the importance of the written comprehension and production activities to the assessed materials? C) Is there relationship between theoretical conceptions about the process of teaching and learning a foreign language, accepted by didactic book, and written comprehension and production activities which are present at the same books? In the observed context, the results of this study show that: 1) The activities of written comprehension and production, found in these books, are in tune with the most recent teaching / learning conceptions of foreign languages; 2) Although the specific activities on written comprehension and production represent importance to the appraised materials, they arent used with other skills, furthermore they lack a contextualization in the majority of cases. 3) There is no compatibility between the attitude adopted by books authors as regards the valorization of the language use and the evidence obtained by the detailed analysis of each volume. Therefore, a research that aims an analysis of didactic books destined for Portuguese teaching as foreign language has got great relevance to the progress of a still incipient study area.


lingüística aplicada linguistica compreensão e atividades de produção de textos ensino/aprendizagem de ple

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