Poluição atmosférica por emissão de material particulado: avaliação e controle nos canteiros de obras de edifícios. / Particulate matter air pollution: evaluation and control on buildings construction sites.




The construction sites cause many environmental impacts related to high consumption of resources and high levels of pollutions emissions, affecting the whole society. Among these pollutions, it is the particulate matter emission in the atmosphere, responsible for heart and lung diseases, damages to animals, plants, soil, water and air quality and nuisances to neighbors. In several countries, the construction sites are recognized as one of the main sources of particle pollution. This work intends to identify the main emission sources of particulate matter among the great variety of construction activities, the main particle emissions control tools and the main monitoring methods available for building construction sites. The research is based on compilation of Brazilian and international bibliographies. As result, are identified the main sources of particulate matter emission on demolition, earthmoving and construction activities. The work presents that monitoring associated with prevention e control measures is an effective tool for maintenance of controlled emissions levels, through low cost, easy operation and easy implantation equipments. Finally, the work presents a set of recommendation to elaborate a management plan to prevent, control and monitoring particulate matters emissions in the construction sites, easily adapted to the current management practices of the contractors firms. The work concludes that the particulate matter emission control can be implanted by contractors firm within the current Brazilian reality.


building edifícios air pollution poluição atmosférica particulate matter construction site canteiro de obras sustainable construction material particulado

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