Politicy, administration and business: the capitania of São Paulo and its insertion in the mercantile relations of the Portuguese Empire (1788-1808) / Política, administração e negócios: a capitania de São Paulo e sua inserção nas relações mercantis do Império Português (1788-1808)




From previous investigations toward the so called lei do porto único, we pretend to questioned the decay and the poverty of the capitania of São Paulo in the second half of the eighteen century, mapping the actuation of the merchant groups of the region, in the attempt to understand not only the economic and social frame of the capitania, but also the politic arrangements and conflicts between these sectors and metropolitan authorities, using as main reference the pombalinas reforms and their implications in colonial relations, particularly after 1780, when these reforms became more evident. In this sense and recognizing the complexity of this theme, the main goal of this study is to discuss, using selected bibliography and sources, the insertion of the capitania of São Paulo in the credit and trade lines of the Portuguese empire, between 1788 (beginning of the government of Bernardo Jose Lorena) and 1808 (arrived of the Portuguese court in Brazil), privileging the merchant groups of São Paulo and their connections with Portugal and the rest of the capitanias of the colony, in special with the market of Rio de Janeiro, administrative center of the colony and the main market of the Portuguese in America, since the second half of the XVIII century.


império português grupos mercantis rio de janeiro comércio colonial colonial relations merchant groups rio de janeiro são paulo portuguese empire são paulo

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